Defibrillator Installation

Llandaff Petanque club is delighted to announce that we have had an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and cabinet awarded to our club.
In agreement with the Llandaff Rowing Club, it has been mounted and installed at the entrance to both clubs.
The device is not only available for members of both clubs, but is registered on the circuit for public use 24/7 in conjunction with the Welsh Ambulance service.
This is the result of a long process that was originally proposed and applied for in March 2022 by our Piste Manager Phil Freegard who was been relentless in ensuring that we achieved this end result.
It is hoped that this device will never be needed. But, figures show that there are over 60,000 cases of cardiac arrest, across all ages each year. Currently only 1 in 10 survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest. The availability and use of defibrillators is estimated to improve these figures by 40%.
Our thanks go to:-

  • SALC (Save a life Cymru) who donated the Defibrillator.
  • Taylor Wimpy who donated the heated cabinet.
  • MERTS (Medical Emergency, Readiness, training,Services Ltd) who have carried out the training and are there for future training needs.

Handyman Phil undertook the installation of the machine.

Trevor Wing, Rowing Club Chairman was on hand for the commissioning of the machine.

Defib finder – find the defibrillators nearest you.