EGM to update constitution

The updated CoLPC constitution was adopted on 6th October 2024.

24 Members attended to witness this event with all members having previously voted online or via paper ballot. The EGM minutes can be found here

Apologies were received from several members.

Votes received for the motion to adopt the updated constitution as at 9am 6/10/2024.

OnlinePaperTotal valid votes
45 votes49 votes
– 3 duplicates– 16 duplicates
– 2 not members in current year
– 3 unidentifiable
42 valid votes2870

Votes against – Nil returns.

There was one further late online vote, again for the motion.

This constitutes a majority of those attending, a majority of the 105 members in the club in 2023/2024 so the motion was carried.

One member raised a vote of thanks for the current committee for supporting the membership over this difficult year and a round of applause was gratefully received.