Update from Howard Hughes (Competitions subcommittee) –
It was my intention to provide an update during the christmas break on the progress of the winter league, however due to the ongoing issues that have taken place within the club since last November, I thought is wise to wait until things had settled down and we knew where things stood.
It seems this is still not settled and whilst I’ve discussed the present situation with some members “face to face” at the piste, I have been unable to contact all concerned and some through various mediums have asked for an update.
So, in the meantime I’ve posted the current league table positions on the club shed notice board and also included it as part of this communication. Note that this still includes those teams that are no longer in the league.
Notwithstanding the current turmoil in the club, there are also a number of issues affecting the running of the winter league some of which are listed below: –
- 2 of the 6 teams in Division 1 (Red Jacks & Faboulers) have pulled out of the competition due to insufficient numbers following the rejection of some players membership renewals.
- Non-renewal of membership has only affected 1 team in Division 2 (Coche Connectors), but they have still been able to play most of their scheduled matches.
- Some Captains have had difficulty scheduling matches due to the availability of team members.
- By this time Division 1 teams should have played 8 out of 10 matches. None have achieved this.
- 4 teams have played 2 matches.
- 2 teams only 1 match.
- By this time Division 2 teams should have played 6/7 matches out of 8 depending on scheduled byes.
- 1 team has played 4 matches.
- 3 teams have played 3 matches.
- 1 team has played 1 match.
- The final matches are scheduled to start in the 2 week window commencing 18th March.
- We have had an exceptionally bad spell of wet weather, which no doubt has impacted on team’s being able to schedule matches.
Due to all of the above, it may not be possible to continue with the league, but this is a decision that needs to be made by the incumbent Management Committee (MC), whoever that may consist of.
It may be possible to format a strategy to continue in a different format, but either way there may be financial implications as all team members have paid a fee to take part in the completion. Again, a decision for the MC.
On a personal note, when I took on this role it was on the understanding that I would not be taking an active part on any committee and would only be performing this role as a service to the club. That intention still stands and I will continue to perform it as long as club members wish it.
Members have been emailed asking for feedback on how they wish the competition to progress. The latest results as at posting are:
- 24 respondents
- 1 continue with league
- 4 have no opinion
- 19 cancel the league
Update 9/4/2024 The winter League is cancelled, refunds will be processed ASAP